Points to Ponder in Isaiah 13-14; 24-30; 35

To accompany your Come Follow Me study for September 12-18

In addition to reading the suggested chapters, you may enjoy

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Points to Ponder in Isaiah 13-14; 24-30; 35

1. What passages from these chapters help increase your faith in God and/or in the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

2.  What passages from these chapters help teach, motivate, or inspire you to live better?

3.   What prophetic passages do you find which you believe relate to the mission of Jesus Christ?

4.  What passages did you find which relate to the latter days?

Possible Answers to Points to Ponder in Isaiah 13-14; 24-30; 35

1.  What passages from these chapters help increase your faith in God and/or in the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

My list includes:

  • 13:19-20:  As foretold by Isaiah, ancient Babylon was completely deserted by the 1st century A.D.  See the related commentary in the Institute student manual for details. 
  • 24:5-6:  A vivid description of the latter-day apostasy, with not only transgression of the laws but changing of the ordinances and a breaking of the everlasting covenant. 
  • 24:22:  Sounds like work for the dead, beginning with the preaching of the gospel to those in spirit prison.
  • 28:7:  Another picture of the Great Apostasy, where both priests and prophets have erred in vision and stumbled in judgment.
  • 29:10:  Another prophecy of the apostasy, where the eyes of the “prophets” are closed.
  • 29:4, 11-12, 18:  Remarkable prophecies fulfilled by the coming forth of the Book of Mormon
  • 29:13-14, 24:  Prophecy of a marvelous work and a wonder in the latter days.

2.  What passages from these chapters help teach, motivate, or inspire you to live better?

My list includes:

  • 13:12:  A man can (and should) be more precious than fine gold.
  • 14:12-16:  Dangers of pride and unbridled ambition
  • 26:3:  Perfect peace for those who focus on the Lord and trust in Him.
  • 26:9:  Importance of seeking the Lord early
  • 28:9-10:  Learning and progress is line upon line, little by little
  • 29:21:  The folly of being easily offended.
  • 35:3:  Strengthen the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees.

3. What prophetic passages do you find which you believe relate to the mission of Jesus Christ?

My list includes:

  • 25:8:  Christ would swallow up death in victory.
  • 30:26, 30:  The Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and shall cause his glorious voice to be heard.
  • 32:1:  A king shall reign in righteousness.  (This was not one of the assigned chapters, but is a good one.)
  • 35:4:  God will come with a recompense and save you.

4. What other significant passages, not already mentioned in your answer to question 1, did you find which relate to the latter days?

My list includes:

  • 13:9-11, 13:  Sun to be darkened, moon and stars not to give their light, and world to be punished for their iniquity.
  • 14:1:-2:  Latter-day gathering of Israel
  • 14:7:  Peace during the Millennial reign
  • 24:1:  The Lord will make the earth empty
  • 24:20-21:  Earthquakes and destruction of the wicked
  • 24:23:  The brightness of the sun will be insignificant compared to the glory of the Lord Himself, when he comes to reign.  See also 30:26.
  • 25:6:  Great latter-day “feast of fat things,” probably both literal and symbolic.
  • 26:19:  Literal resurrection of the body
  • 27:6:  “Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.”
  • 27:12:  Gathering of Israel one by one, as through missionary work.
  • 30:29-30:  Glory and beauty of the Millennium
  • 35:1:  Desert to blossom as the rose.
  • 35:4-10:  Gathering of Israel and their blessings from the Lord