Points to Ponder in Alma 5-7

To accompany your Come Follow Me reading for June 10-16

In addition to reading Alma 5-7 this week, you will also enjoy watching the following videos:

And you will enjoy reading the following related material from the Institute Book of Mormon student manual:

If you would like a Kahoot game related to this material which you could use for personal study or use with your family or your class, click here: https://create.kahoot.it/share/alma-5-7/cc8df494-d973-4c42-9d45-e6bac757c26b. To use it with a group, after clicking on this link, you will need to log into Kahoot, creating a free account if you have not done so previously, then click on the blue “Start” button. Some of the Kahoot questions may presuppose that the player has read through the suggested answers to the following Points to Ponder and at least has browsed the Institute student manual as well.


See if you can find passages in Alma 5-7 which teach or imply each of the following points.  They are in chronological order.  It is possible that some passages are referenced more than once.   You’ll have more fun if you look for your own answers before looking at mine.

1. Alma was preaching primarily to members of the church and not non-members in chapter 5.  

2. Which subject—math, history, economics, or physical science—did Alma specifically mention the Nephites needed to study more?  

3. The need for good personal diaries is suggested.  

4. The wicked are not totally awake.  

5. Hope for drug addicts.

6. A passage with implications for those with same sex attraction who insist they were born that way and can do nothing to change their condition.  

7. The average faithful Latter-day Saint should be better looking than most non-members or less active members.  

8. It is possible to be confirmed without ever receiving the Holy Ghost.  

9. It is not enough to have once had a spiritual experience.  The important question is whether one still has those same feelings.  

10. Repentance is urgent. 

11. In a certain sense, exaltation costs nothing. 

12. We can’t be neutral.  We are either part of the Lord’s work or are against Him. 

13. How we can become an adopted demon.   

14. It is not enough to teach so that others can understand.  We must teach so clearly that they cannot misunderstand.   

15. A spiritual experience does not necessarily bring a testimony of the gospel. 

16. What did Alma have to do to get a real testimony, besides fasting and praying? 

17. It is not enough simply to believe in Christ and commit no sin. 

18. A passage with implications for our shopping. 

19. We should not habitually associate with wicked people. 

20. Church leaders have a duty to withdraw Church membership from those who need that action.

21. Church leaders can speak more forcefully to members than to non-members. 

22. An easy and potentially powerful though indirect way to support missionary work.

23. A prophet does not automatically know everything.   

24. Which passage in today’s reading is found most often in anti-Mormon books? 

25. Jesus can understand us because He has already suffered all that we will suffer. 

26. One of the clearest definitions of the purpose of baptism. 

27. The elements of a good prayer. 

28. The relationship between faith and works.                                                                    


See if you can find passages in Alma 5-7 which teach or imply each of the following points.  They are in chronological order.  It is possible that some passages are referenced more than once.  

1. Alma was preaching primarily to members of the church and not non-members in Alma 5. [Alma 5:2, 6, 14.]

2. Which subject—math, history, economics, or physical science—did Alma specifically mention the Nephites needed to study more?   [History—Alma 5:6]

3. The need for good personal diaries is suggested.   [Alma 5:6—Good diaries will facilitate our memory of God’s favors to us in the past.]

4. The wicked are not totally awake.  [Alma 5:7]

5. Hope for drug addicts.  [Alma 5:12-14—A mighty change is possible.]

6. A passage with implications for those with same sex attraction who insist they were born that way and can do nothing to change their condition.   [Alma 5:12-14—A mighty change may not be easy, but it is possible.]

7. The average faithful Latter-day Saint should be better looking than most non-members or less active members.   [Alma 5:14—With God’s image in our countenances, we ought to be better looking!]

8. It is possible to be confirmed without ever receiving the Holy Ghost. [Alma 5:14.  If it were not possible, Alma would not have asked the question.] 

9. It is not enough to have once had a spiritual experience.  The important question is whether one still has those same feelings.   [Alma 5:26]

10. Repentance is urgent[Alma 5:28]

11. In a certain sense, exaltation costs nothing.  [Alma 5:34]

12. We can’t be neutral.  We are either part of the Lord’s work or are against Him.  [Alma 5:39-40]

13. How we can become an adopted demon.  [Alma 5:41] 

14. It is not enough to teach so that others can understand.  We must teach so clearly that they cannot misunderstand.  [Alma 5:43]

15. A spiritual experience does not necessarily bring a testimony of the gospel.  [Alma 5:46—Even though Alma had seen an angel, he had to fast and pray many days to get a testimony of the gospel.]

16. What did Alma have to do to get a real testimony, besides fasting and praying? [He evidently had to study the teachings of the prophets before him, otherwise it would be meaningless to know that “the words which have been spoken by our fathers are true.”  Alma 5:47.)

17. It is not enough simply to believe in Christ and commit no sin.  [Alma 5:52—One must also bring forth “good fruit”—that is, be actively doing good, not just avoiding sins of commission.]

18. A passage with implications for our shopping.  [Alma 5:53]

19. We should not habitually associate with wicked people[Alma 5:57]

20. Church leaders have a duty to withdraw Church membership from those who need that action.  [Alma 5:57]

21. Church leaders can speak more forcefully to members than to non-members.  [Alma 5:62]

22. An easy and potentially powerful though indirect way to support missionary work.  [Alma 6:6.]

23. A prophet does not automatically know everything.  [Alma 7:8] 

24. Which passage in today’s reading is found most often in anti-Mormon books?  [Alma 7:10—Some claim that this proves the Book of Mormon is false, as it says Jesus would be born “at Jerusalem,” not Bethlehem, not recognizing the difference between “at” and “in,” nor that Bethlehem was considered part of the larger land of Jerusalem.]

25. Jesus can understand us because He has already suffered all that we will suffer[Alma 7:11-13]

26. One of the clearest definitions of the purpose of baptism.  [Alma 7:15]

27. The elements of a good prayer.  [Alma 7:23]